Hanne Kiiveri on helsinkiläinen monialainen ammatti kuvataiteilija -ja freelance-valokuvaaja.
Hanne Kiiveri on käyttänyt taiteellisessa työskentelyssään valokuvaa, elokuvaa, käsikirjoittamista, animaatioelokuvaa, sarjakuvaa, installaatioita ja uusia medioita.
Kiiverillä on ollut solo -ja ryhmänäyttelyitä Suomessa, Pohjoismaissa, Euroopassa, Venäjällä.
Tällä hetkellä Kiiveri työskentelee Koneen Säätiön myöntämällä monivuotisella apurahalla Kenen enkelit? -hankkeessa valokuvataiteilijana (2023-2026). Hankkeessa yhdistyvät taide ja tiede.
Kiiveri on työskennellyt freelancevalokuvaajana mm. Nyt -liitteelle, Helsingin Sanomille, teattereille, muusikoille, aikakauslehdille ja yksityisille tilaajille Suomessa vuosina -1994-2002 ja 2016-2023- ja ulkomailla 2002-2015.
Kiiveri opettaa modernia ikonimaalausta 2019-2023- ja kuvataidetta 2016-2025-
1991-1992 Kauhajoen kansanopisto taidelinja
1992-1996 Imatran Taidekoulu
1996-2000 Turun taideakatemia, valokuvaus AMK
2000-02 Taideteollinen korkeakoulu Media Lab/ MA in New Media (nyk. Aalto Yliopisto)
2006-07 FAMU Film & TV school, Praha, Tšekin tasavalta
Hanne Kiiveri
photographer and multidisciplinary visual artist
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
The exceptionally talented and multi-skilled Hanne Kiiveri is known for her dynamic positivity.
In her artistic work, she uses photography, film, screenwriting, poems, various media and techniques of painting and drawing.
Hanne Kiiveri has been called a pioneer of visual and media art. Kiiveri’s artistic production is characterized by artistic originality,
familiarity with the history of art and a vision that reflects its time.
Artist-photographer Hanne Kiiveri’s art projects are both topical and timeless.
The artist is interested in socially difficult topics that she deals with with a deep sense of humor, questioning, or sarcasm.
Kiiveri has also collaborated on international animation and media art.
She has had numerous exhibitions of her own and participated in group exhibitions both in Finland and abroad. Kiiveri is a very experienced art professional and technically fully skilled in media use. She swears in the name of equal interaction in the teaching of art.
Taiteellisessa työssäni ylitän suvereenisti raja-aitoja. Ammennan ideoita kirjallisuudesta taiteelliseen työskentelyyni. Inspiroiduin mm. Terhi Utriaisen tutkimuspäiväkirjasta Enkeleita työpöydällä, jonka luin vuonna 2020. Valokuvasin ”Wicca & her Guardian”-valokuvateoksen hänen kirjansa inspiroimana. Ideoita teoksiini on lisäksi tullut esoteerisesta kirjallisuudesta, kuten irlantilaisen mystikon Lorna Byrnen teoksista, joissa visuaalisuus on käsin kosketeltavaa – kirjojen humoristisia enkelihahmoja unohtamatta. Kuvallisina innoittajina ovat olleet monet taidehistorian aarteet, kuten Hugo Simbergin ”Haavoittunut enkeli”.
– Hanne Kiiveri
Photographer and visual artist
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki Artist’ Association, Association of Photographic Artists in Finland and Kuvasto
1991-1992 Kauhajoki folk high school art line 1991-1992
1992-1996 Imatra School of Fine Arts (BA)
1996-2000 Turku University of Applied Sciences / Academy of Arts / Photography (BA 2000-2002 Aalto University Media Lab / MA in New Media (MA)
2006-2007 FAMU Film & TV school / Prague / Czech Republic
2013-2014 Formation for ameliorate french language in ‘IFRA’ / Annecy / France
Photography exhibition, performance, short film, cartoon animation film, comic, and teaching fine
art, residency, lecture (S = solo exhibition, G = group show, P = performance, C=cartoons, F = film,
M = manuscript, R = residencies, T = teaching, L= lecture)
2024 TEOS 2024, Art Sales event with Sculpture, Printmaking and Photography at Merikaapelihalli, Cable Factory (G)
2024 Whose Angels?- Photography art exhibition in Fokus space, Helsinki (S)
2023 Presenting Whose Angels -project/exhibition/combining art and science in University of Helsinki/ CoCo research project (L)
2023 OTOS/2023 Association of Photographic artists annual print sales event exhibition, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki (G)
2022 L ́ange gardien exhibition part 1. / Nowy Warzywniak Art Gallery, Gdansk, Poland (G) 2022 “Religion, Erotica and Truthfulness” 25th anniversary exhibition of dancer/choreographer Metsälintu Pahkinen retrospective, photos, costumes and props from Metsälintu Pahkinen career, KokoTeatteri, KokoGallery, Helsinki (G)
2021 “PicturePoems” collaboration with poetess Mira Mink, exhibition combining photographs(Hanne Kiiveri) and poems (Mira Mink) / Hermanni Deaconess House Shipping Company, Helsinki (S)
2016 “Häilyvä minuus” 1.-3. comic book exhibition, group exhibition / Comic Book Center, Helsinki (G)
2015 ”Life & Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Welcome to the Future! / iMal, Center for Digital Culture and Technology, Brussels, Belgium (G)
2014 Mimosa Mind’s Eye – Travels: animated TV-series teaser movie, MIFA, Annecy, France (F)
2013 Mimosa Mind’s Eye – Travels: animated TV-series teaser movie, CARTOON CONNECTION, Quebec, Canada (F)
2012 Mimosa Mind’s Eye – Travels;animated TV-series teaser movie, MIFA / France (F)
2008 Life is a Great Bitch and the Grass is Greener ;short film, FAMU screenings / Prague, Czech Republic (M,F)
2006 Cinema Dance – Hide and Seek; lyhytelokuva, FAMU screenings, Prague, Czech Republic (F)
2002 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia elokuva, Asolo Art Film Festival, Italy (F)
2002 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden (G) 2002 ”Life Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / F2F, Parsons New School of Design, New York, USA (G)
2002 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / F2F, Saidye Bronfman Centre des Arts, Montreal, Canada
2002 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Maison Populaire Montreuil, Paris, France (G)
2002 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Attachment +, Brugge, Belgium (G)
2002 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Kulturhuset & Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Stockholm, Sweden (G)
2001 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie and photo exhibition, Turku Art Museum, Turku, Finland (S)
2001 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Equator Conference / Art Node, Stockholm, Sweden (P)
2001 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Mois de la Photo / Maison de Photographie, Montreal, Canada (G)
2001 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia elokuva yhteydessä SOB / F2F, Vancouver, Canada (G)
2001 “Fiona and Flora – Quality Time” short film, Tampere International Short Film Festival, Tampere, Finland (F)
2000 “Fiona and Flora – Quality Time” short film Vinokino LGBTQ Film festival, Helsinki, Finland (F)
2001 “Fiona and Flora – Double-Dealing in Sacristy” Kulkulupa city festival, Turku, Finland (F) 2000 “Fiona and Flora – Double-Dealing in Sacristy” short film / LGBTQ Film festival, Turku, Finland (F)
2000 “Fiona and Flora: Double-dealing in Sacristy” short film / photographs / performance , Art Genda Biennale, Lasipalatsi, Helsinki, Finland (S,P,F)
2000 “Gentleman of Camelias” photography exhibition, Studio Hyäryllistä / Turku, Finland (S) 2000 “Gentleman of Camelias” photography exhibition, Café Mera, Stockholm, Sweden (S) 2000 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia and photography exhibition, Kluuvin galleria, Helsinki, Finland (S)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Watari-Um Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan (L)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Batofar, Paris, France (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB La Reine de Multimedia / Institut Finlandais ISEA, Paris, France (S,P)
2000 ”Life & Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / GameOver / Institute of Old and New Media, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB /101, Ottawa, Canada (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB /Washington, USA (2001)(G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB /South Africa (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia multimedia movie Petersburg, Russia (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Gdansk, Poland (G)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB /Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (P)
2000 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB /Museum of contemporary art of Finland, Helsinki, Finland (G)
National Arts Center & Gallery F2F / UCLA, Los Angeles & Urban Futures/ Johannesburg, with SOB / MENAGE, St.
All You Need Is Love / Bathouse, Prix Möbius International / Nordic Postmodern / Kiasma Museum of contemporary art of Finland, Helsinki, Finland (G)
2000 ”Life and Death Barcelona, Spain (G) 1999 ”Life and Death 1999 ”Life and Death Paris, France (P) 1999 ”Life and Death 1999 ”Life and Death Australia (G)
1999 ”Life and Death Sydney, Perth and Darwin, Australia (G)
1999 ”Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Mäntän kuvataideviikot, Mänttä, Finland (G)
1999 “Pantse&Pena – Technologically advanced” music video / Kapuum video and performance festival, Turku, Finland (F,P)
1999 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie and performance with SOB, Kiasma Teatteri/ Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art of Finland, Helsinki, Finland (F,P)
1999 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie and photography exhibition/ Borey gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia (S)
1999 “Pantse & Pena – Technologically advanced”, Studio Spectro, Turku, Finland (S)
1999 “Pantse & Pena-Technologically advanced”, Kanneltalo, Helsinki, Finland (S)
1999 “Per Aspera ad Aspera” valokuvainstallaatio, Galleria Manilla, Turku, Finland (G)
1998 “Pantse & Pena – Technologically advanced” photography installation and music video, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden (S)
1998 “Stop bath” Photography exhibition, Brinkkalan Ullakko, Turku, Finland (G)
1997 “Pantse & Pena” Teknistä etumatkaa”, photography installation, Teatteri Susi, Turku, Finland (S)
1996 “ME” photography exhibition and photo sculpture installation, Galleria Mansikka, Imatra, Finland (S)
1996 “ME” photography exhibition, Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland (S)
2000 ”Heavenly Freaks” photography exhibition, with ROR Revolution on Request artist community / ”T-Error 2000”, The Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland (G)
2000 ROR Revolution on Request artist community / ”T-Error 2000” / Into galleria, Helsinki, Finland (G)
1999 “Heavenly Freaks” / St. Petersburg projects, Brinkkalan Ullakko, Turku, Finland (G) 1993-1996 Imatra Art School -students touring group exhibition in Hungary (G)
1995 “Madonna” space-time installation / Imatra City Theater, Imatra, Finland (G)
1994 ”Death” woodcut graphics, art school group exhibition / Imatra Art Museum, Imatra, Finland( G)
1994 ”Death” woodcut graphics and oil painting / Imatra Cultural Center, Imatra, Finland (G)
2022 Oliwski Ratusz Kultury artist residency/ Gdansk, Poland
2021 “Häilyvä minuus” anthology (2016) / Helsinki Zine Fest / Helsinki Comics Festival, Helsinki, Finland (C)
in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Centre d’Art Santa Mònica,
in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / MILIA / Cannes, France (P)
in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / La Maison des Auteurs, SADC,
in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria (G) in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / Melbourne Film Festival / BUG,
in Venice” multimedia movie with SOB / The dLux Media Arts / Artspace /
2017 “Häilyvä minuus” anthology / Helsinki Zine Fest / Helsinki Comics Festival, Helsinki, Finland (C)
2016 “Häilyvä minuus” anthology / Helsinki Zine Fest / Helsinki Comics Festival, Helsinki, Finland (C)
2007 “Viisukortti” animation project in collaboration with Juha Kyllönen, Viisukuppila, Helsinki, Finland (M)
2002 “Myrdia and Poisonia – Design for the 3rd Eye” Photo shootings and a hand-folded photo book, Fabrica, Treviso / Venice, Italy (R)
2001 “Fiona and Flora Show” fictional comedy / TV show hosted by Siamese twins: current topics discussion program episodes 1–6 NIFCA – Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland (R)
2001 “Pine Cone Cow” episodes 1-3 TV Show for child-minded adults interactivity / SUBTV, Finland
2001 “Fiona & Flora-Quality Time” short film, final easing of news / MTV 4, Finland
1998-2000 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia CD-rom and photo exhibition working process and studio production in Turku AMK darkroom and Helsinki in Aalto University visitors residence M-lab / Helsinki, Finland (R)
Website: https://www.hannekiiveriart.fi
Instagram: https://instagram.com/hanne_kiiveri?utm_medium=copy_link
2017-2022 Papisto Reality TV series priest Elina Koivisto ́s Bloom -project and portfolio 2016-2022 Art education: https://www.instagram.com/taidetta_paavalissa/ (T)
2020-2021 RunoKuva yhteistyö: https://www.instagram.com/hannemirahelsinki/ (S) 2016-2019 Kuvitukset : https://express.adobe.com/page/RYGxBxZjXQFqx/ (T)
2017 Taiteiden yö” event cartoon Paavalin srk and social media marketing and distribution (C) 2016 “Paavali-Viikko” event cartoon Paavalin srk and social media marketing anddistribution Paavalin srk (C)
2016 “Häilyvä minuus” a cartoon anthology as part of a joint self-published publication by cartoonists / Suomen sarjakuvaseura
2001 “Fiona Flora: Til death do us part” graphic short story middle gap art publication
and artist presentation in an art newspaper Morgenbladet / Norway
2001-2002 ” Fiona and Flora Show” fictional comedy TV show hosted by Siamese twin: current topics discussion program episodes 1–6 NIFCA – Nordic Institute for
Contemporary Art / Suomenlinna / Helsinki / www.superchannel.org
2000 T-Error 2000 publication of works ROR-Revolutions Request group
1999 “Life and Death in Venice” multimedia movie, SOB Cd-rom, WSOY
1999 “Heavenly Freaks” postcards, St. Petersburg -project photo art book, AMK/ Turku
2013 Finnanimation, CARTOON CONNECTION, Mimosa Mind Eye -Travels TV -series, marketing / Quebec, Canada
2002 “Myrdia and Poisonia – Design for the 3rd Eye” Treviso / Venice, Italy
1999 “The Gentlemen of Camellias” shooting trip to Paris, France
1998 “Life and Death in Venice” shooting trip to Venice, Italy
1997-1999 Photo shooting trips, St. Petersburg -project, Turku AMK / Turku, Finland 1996 study trip to Tartu Art school / Estonia
1993 Svetogorsk / Russia
2022 Koneen Säätiö (2023-2026)
2012 Finnish Film Foundation
2011 Finnish Film Foundation
2001 VISEK
2000 AVEK
2000 Varsinais -Suomen Taidetoimikunta
1999 AVEK
1999 Taiteen keskustoimikunta
1999 Finnfoto
1999 VISEK
1998 Seta-säätiö
1998 Suomi-Venäjä-seura
1998 AVEK
1998 Valokuvauksen opiskelijat r.y.
1998 Taiteen keskustoimikunta
1997 Finnish Cultural Foundation
1999 AGFA Oy
1999 Apple Computer
1999 Oopperabaletti puvusto
2000 Apple / Mac & Carry
2000 Apple Computer
2000 Italkon Oy
2000 FIAT
Photographs, woodcuts and paintings
2016-2023 Fine art courses (T)
2019-2023 Modern icon painting courses (T)
Teaching fine arts and icon painting in Paavali srk, Helsinki, Finland
2003-2006 Travel and tourism / working in marketing and sales/ Portugal
2008-2010 Family leave