Seinänkorkeus (mm)
Teoksen kuvat


Forrest Hill
Kangaspohja ilman kiiloja
Taiteilijan teokset taidekaupassa
The Pamplona run ot the pink seahorse
Sea creatures love clear waters
When the wind blows – my thoughts flow
I dare admit that I glow
Let the rain fall down on me
Dreaming of a fall trip, because it is forbidden
I reach out to you
When everything is in balance and order – boredom can be wonderful
If you think I’m too cute, I don’t care 2
If you think I’m too cute, I don’t care 1
Forrest Hill
Fisherman´s lullaby (not worried about strong gales)
What are those mysterious knots in the landscape
Twisted garden with orange glow
A shattered maze – I still can find my way home
The unexpected – there starts the fun and joy